AHK Nigeria Delegation Visits Bemint Training Centre

AHK Nigeria Business delegation team visit Empowering Africans through Education Initiative

On the 18th of November 2022, the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) organized a business delegation trip to Nigeria on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. This trip aimed to showcase companies specializing in vocational skills development and training. One highlight of the program, arranged by the Competence Centre Skills Development Nigeria of AHK Nigeria, was a briefing with the German Consul General and visits to The Empowering African through Education Initiative training Centre.

During the visit, the project manager Lucy Chioma Aniagolu warmly welcomed the team and shared the purpose behind the Bemint program. In her speech she shared the target of the project is to introduce over 200 youths between 18-20 to Technology, and vocational practice like photography and Agric processing. The delegation then engaged in an interactive session with the initiative’s first beneficiaries, offering inspiration and answering questions on technology, vocational education, and future planning.

Special appreciation goes to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, AHK Nigeria, Siemens Stiftung, imove, Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft, Christiani Africa PTY LTD, German Academy for Digital Education, Greenbootcamps GmbH, KNUTH Machine Tools South Africa, Lecturio Weiterbildung & Trainings GmbH, Professional Training Solutions GmbH, Schwarz Druck GmbH, Tianaero T.Gabriel GmbH, Tilmann Gabriel MBA FRAeS, Kellen Johnson, Heinz Joachim Kuehnrich, Naomi Nathan, Ruan Cowley, Thorsten Leich, Dr.-Ing Carsten Schroeder, and Tristan W.

The visit concluded with group pictures and a networking session, allowing the Bemint beneficiaries, EAE staff, and the delegation to connect and exchange ideas.